About SilentDuck

SilentDuck is run by a male/female couple in their 20s. We discovered our mutual love of kink a couple of years ago, and since then, we’ve had an incredible (and sometimes difficult) time exploring the ways that part of our relationship could be something great and fulfilling for both of us.

The name of this site—SilentDuck—is a not-so-subtle nod to one of the things we’ve discovered together, fisting. (If you’re not in the know, think about how you’d make a “silent duck” shape with your hand. Then put that somewhere oh-so-good and oh-so-rude.) As it turns out, both of us have an interest in things . . . on the larger side.

If you’re in that boat—and I assume you are, you’re here after all—then you’ve probably discovered that there aren’t that many companies making extra-large sex toys, and information on them can be a bit sparse. They are an acquired taste, after all. And on top of that, there’s a lot of exaggerated, misleading or straight-up fake material out there.

We wanted to share our experiences with fisting and large toys with you. Hopefully, this  helps normalize something that we’ve found extremely fun and rewarding. It’s unfortunate, but I know that we’re not the only ones who have struggled with sex- or kink-related shame. If you’re reading this and you’ve felt that way too, you’re not alone.

What kind of content can you expect on this site? 

For starters, honest reviews of sex toys, with a focus on those in the XL category. There just aren’t too many people sharing their experiences with these niche products online.

In addition to those reviews, we also hope to share tips and ideas that relate to this kind of play, both for couples and those playing alone.

Finally, we’re kicking around the idea of a journal-type series, where we share more personal updates on our progress toward different goals. Right now, we’re working toward fisting for her, in both holes. Updates about that and other sexy endeavors might make their way here. We’ll see. =)

There are a couple of promises I’ll make about our content:

  • We’ll only ever review toys that at least one of us has used, and we’ll be honest and open about our experiences with it
  • We’ll do our best to showcase the good and the bad—of toys and our experiences together

Enjoy your stay, you size queens/kings. 

We’re two of you. Thanks for being kind and open-minded during your stay here.

You can head over to our contact page if you have questions or want to get in touch.